Community Event: Adoption Parenting Group


10:00 am - 11:30 am


5441 SE Belmont St., Portland, OR, 97215

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It’s time for our monthly coffee chat and parent support group!
Friday, March 8, 10am-11:30
Taborspace :: 5441 SE Belmont St, Portland 97215
I just love the turn from Winter to Spring…So full of new energy!
This month, I’ve had several calls from new families seeking support. They’re reaching out early in their adoption journey, navigating open adoption, tracking child development, and focused on family bonding. They’ve been looking for a group like this!
Many of our group regulars have older kids, yet are living and exploring similar stages and attachment dynamics. Phases like this–when we have the full spectrum of adoptive family life showing up–are what make this group so powerful!
We’re here to learn from, support, and hold space for one another’s experience. Even when it’s messy. Even when it hurts. And especially when you need another parent who gets it!
Parenthood takes intention. And curiosity. I’m consistently moved by your commitment to be here and hold space for one another, with respect and encouragement. It takes humility to share what we need support with.
We’d love for you to join us!
With care & encouragement, ~ MereAnn
PS: This month, we’re meeting 2nd Friday, due to schedule challenges. Our regular 3rd Fridays will resume next month:
April 19 & May 17, 10am-11:30.
MereAnn Reid, MA, LPC Intern
Child + family therapist | Adoption specialist 
Parenting & Play Therapy
Hand in Hand Parenting Instructor Candidate

Supervisor, Rachael Berkeley, LCSW